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  • If you feel dissatisfield with the advice or treatment given to you and your cat it is your right to consider a second opinion or referral.

  • Second opinions and referrals often cause great anxiety to owners, irrespective of whether suggested by the veterinarian or considered as a possibility by the pet owner.

  • Seizures and epilepsy are less commonly encountered in cats than dogs. They are, however, the most common sign of disease affecting the front part of the brain in the cat.

  • Seizures are one of the most frequently seen neurological problems in dogs. A seizure is also known as a convulsion or fit.

  • Electrolytes occur in the blood and are frequently measured during serum biochemistry. The most common electrolytes are sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate and phosphate.

  • Skin fold pyoderma is an inflammatory skin problem which occurs on opposed skin surfaces. The skin folds allow the surface of the two adjacent areas to lie in close contact and this creates a warm, humid environment that is not ventilated.

  • Lymphocytosis is a term used to describe abnormal accumulations of lymphoid cells in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue of the skin. Occasionally, the term pseudolymphoma is used for these.

  • This is a malignant tumour of skin epidermal cells with varying degrees of differentiation. Tumours of this type occur in people and all domestic species. T

  • This is a malignant tumour of skin epidermal cells with varying degrees of differentiation. Tumours of this type occur in people and all domestic species.

  • In Australia there are about 3,000 snake bites per year, of which 200 to 500 receive anti-venom. On average, one or two of will prove fatal.