In the wild, the ferret is a whole carcase feeder. It is an obligate carnivore with a very short gut and so is unable to deal with much, if any, fibre or carbohydrate in the diet.
Chinchillas should be offered good quality grass hay ad-libitum (available 24 hours a day). Pellets or concentrate foods should be given as a small quantity in addition to the hay.
In the wild rabbits spend many hours chewing grass. This is a tough fibrous material that also contains abrasive silicates.
Pet rodents can be fed a good, high quality rodent chow (pelleted food) available at pet stores.
Ferrets can make good pets. A commercial ferret food is normally recommended, and they easily learn to use a litterbox.
Mice are kept for many reasons, from being pets to prize show animals. They are not ideal pets in many ways but are easy to keep in captivity.
Rats are kept for many reasons from being pets to prize show animals. They are excellent pets, are easy to keep and you can develop good owner-pet relationships with them.