Canine coronavirus disease can be the cause of diarrhoea especially in puppies less than three months of age.
This describes a condition in which puppies are apparently normal at birth but fail to grow and die up to fourteen days later.
Hip dysplasia is a deformity of the hip which occurs during the growing period.
Hookworms are parasites which get their name from the hook-like mouthparts they use to attach to the intestinal wall. Despite their small size, they suck large amounts of blood from the tiny vessels in the intestinal wall.
Raising an orphaned litter is a time consuming although rewarding experience. Neonates are very fragile and despite all the care and attention, losses can be inevitable.
Canine parvovirus (CPV) infection is a relatively new disease that first appeared in 1978. Because of the severity of the disease and its rapid spread through the canine population, CPV has aroused a great deal of public interest.
Piperazine is used to control roundworms. Your veterinarian will advise a deworming programme for your pet.
Until recently pregnancy diagnosis in the dog depended on abdominal palpation (i.e. feeling for foetuses through the abdominal wall), radiography (x-ray) or an ultrasound scan. However, it is now possible to accurately detect pregnancy in the dog with a simple blood test.
Owning a dog can be an extremely rewarding experience, but it also carries with it some responsibility. We hope these notes will give you some help.
Most puppies love to explore and chew, so it is not surprising when a young puppy steals household objects, particularly if they are inherently rewarding.