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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Immune stimulants, or immunostimulants, are herbs or neutraceuticals (nutritional supplements) that have a beneficial effect on the body's ability to fight infection, disease and injury.

  • Indoor marking behaviour can be confused with a breakdown in toileting behaviour.

  • Socialisation is the process by which the kitten learns about its own identity, the identity of its own species and the identity of the other species with which it will share its life. Appropriate socialisation enables the kitten to go on to develop relationships with other living beings in its environment.

  • There are many methods of restraining a dog on a lead; from collars to head halters and "one size (or type) does not fit all".

  • Magnetic therapy, more accurately termed magnetic field therapy, is the use of magnetic fields. Fields are generated by either permanent magnets or pulsed electromagnetic fields, for treatment of medical conditions.

  • Follow your vet's advice and instructions very precisely. Take your cat for reinspection if requested to do so. If your cat's condition worsens unexpectedly then contact your vet for advice.

  • Medicine may come in several formulations. It is important that your cat receives the prescribed medication.

  • It is sensible to ensure permanent identification of your dog, no matter whether much loved family pet or valuable show dog. Permanent identification is primarily designed to provide an effective means of reuniting owners with dogs that have strayed.

  • Cats are very territorial animals and they may have problems accepting a new house as their home. If the old house is nearby cats may return to their old haunts and try to take up residence with the new people living there.

  • MSM

    MSM, (methylsulfonylmethane) also known as dimethylsulfone DMSO2 is a sulphur bearing compound that exists naturally in cows milk (its highest source), many fruits, grains and meat. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain killing) product.