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Dogs + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • A supplement is a concentrated nutrient source that is added to a basic diet for either a nutritional or a therapeutic effect.

  • Your dog has undergone a major operation. Smooth recovery will depend upon continued nursing at home.

  • Tea tree oil is a highly potent oil extract from the tea tree plant. It reduces swelling in inflamed tissues. Tea tree oil is also a broad spectrum antimicrobial (anti-infection agent) in even very tiny doses.

  • TTouch is a form of touch/massage therapy devised and popularised, since 1978, by Linda Tellington Jones. TTouch is a very simple light massage technique where a clockwise circular motion of the fingers is used on the skin of the patient.

  • Tick toxicity is due to the toxin from a tick called Ixodes holocyclus or the paralysis tick.

  • Trypsin is an enzyme that is involved in the digestion of proteins in the small intestine. It is secreted by the pancreas as trypsinogen which is a non-activated enzyme (pro-enzyme). It becomes activated to trypsin once it is in the small intestine and then becomes involved in the digestion of proteins.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete system of medicine developed to prevent and treat disease. Its roots are in writings and practices which were developed over millennia.

  • Choosing the correct training package for dogs is just as important as selecting the right education system for children.

  • There are many situations where a head collar may be recommended for your dog as it has the unique benefit of allowing control of the head that collars around the neck or body harnesses do not give.

  • In Australia today dogs can travel by air, rail, road or sea. Each form of travel presents it own unique set of problems.