The first inclination of some people when feeding a home-prepared diet to their pet is to simply feed the animal leftovers of what they are eating. However, the nutritional needs of dogs, cats and humans differ.
Hookworms are parasites which get their name from the hook-like mouthparts they use to attach to the intestinal wall. Despite their small size, they suck large amounts of blood from the tiny vessels in the intestinal wall.
Horner's syndrome is a common neurological disorder of the eye and facial muscles. The condition is usually sudden in onset.
Dogs are highly social animals that make wonderful pets. However, with the lifestyle and schedule of the majority of families, dogs must learn to spend a portion of the day at home alone, while their human family is away at school, work, shopping or recreational activities.
Due to their reputation as curious creatures and escape artists, ferrets should be housed in a cage which is securely closed and locked.
Being normal inhabitants of the Andes, chinchillas can cope very well with New Zealand outdoor temperatures and can be kept in an outdoor aviary with plenty of branches for climbing and chewing.
It is most convenient to house pet rodents in wire type 'bird-cages', although cages are available specifically for these pets. Wooden cages are not suitable as rodents love to chew and can really destroy their homes.
Many rabbits are housed outside in a hutch with ready access to a grass run. They must have a well-sheltered warm hutch during winter and a cool area during the summer months.
Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine. Antihistamines are used to relieve or prevent the symptoms of allergy. Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe this medication to prevent itching in dogs and cats.
Hypocalcaemia is a term that refers to low blood concentrations of calcium. Calcium is an important electrolyte (chemical) within the body, and is needed for normal function of muscles and nerves.