A gastrostomy tube is a small flexible tube that enters the stomach through a small skin incision on the dog's side. It permits you to feed your dog directly into the stomach if normal eating is not possible.
General anaesthesia is a state of unconsciousness produced by drugs with the absence of any pain over the whole body together with variable amounts of muscle relaxation.
Most dogs' ears are a lot larger than ours and certainly a lot more sensitive. We usually only clean them when there is a problem and they are already sore, so the dog learns that handling around the ears is painful and tries to avoid it.
Giardia is sometimes confused with worms because they invade the gastrointestinal tract and can cause diarrhoea. They are not worms; instead, they are one-celled parasites classified as protozoa and have been largely overlooked until recently.
Ginger is a well-known tropical herb whose root is used in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Herbal Medicine. The most famous medical use of ginger is as an anti-emetic (prevention of nausea and vomiting).
While the Ginkgo nut is used in Chinese medicine in the treatment of respiratory disorders, the Ginkgo leaf is used in western herbal medicine, primarily to stimulate blood flow, both peripheral to the extremities and cerebral (to the brain).
In Chinese medicine, Korean Ginseng is used as a Qi tonic to boost vitality. Likewise, Ginseng is used for the same purposes by vets, often as a component of a larger herbal formula.
Glaucoma is an increase in IOP i.e a raised pressure within the eye. The cause of glaucoma is always related to inadequate drainage of aqueous humor rather than its over production.
Glucosamine is an amino sugar that occurs naturally in the body and plays an important role in forming and maintaining the body's tissues such as nails, skin, ligaments, tendons, bones, heart valves, discharging mucous from the lining of the digestive tract, urinary tract and respiratory tract.
Glutamine is found in fairly high levels in dairy, fish, eggs and meat products, however supplementation with glutamine is more appropriate when the digestive system is compromised.